As soon as I found out that I had an 'Effective Communications' module, I predicted a very boring and unnecessary module that I had to attend. I figured the lessons would just be writing essays and handing them in.
However, the lessons were totally different from the start. We were encouraged positively to communicate with each other. Mistakes were addressed and corrected together. We were also praised when we did things right or when we improved.
Through the positive and interactive environment, I was able to learn quickly. I was able to learn the suitable structure of a report, citations, sentence structures and more. Most importantly, it has improved my knowledge on communication.
The project assignment was a very valuable and enjoyable experience. My team mates from Team Train, Ruz and Mingkang, were very supportive and helpful. The positive group atmosphere really made the project easier.
The Effective Communications module is a very necessary module to have. I am now able to communicate better through writing even though I still need to improve on my speaking skills. A thing that I found out through this module is that having an open and positive environment would make everything feel better.
Hopefully in the future, I will be able to influence a positive atmosphere whereever I am.
And thank you Brad for the great and entertaining lessons!